01 February 2008

Will Work For Money

I am now gainfully unemployed. I was "let go" this past Tuesday at 5.15pm Eastern. I was initially upset, but I knew it was coming. People that usually talked to me as they passed by my cubicle stopped talking to me; people would get quiet when I passed by. Weird. OK, that last one wasn't true, but it sounded more dramatic.

But really, I knew this was coming for about 9 months. There have been days where I had absolutely nothing to do. Very frustrating. I would come in, check my email, check my myspace, facebook, check in with my manager to see if there was a project that awaited my attention, post a blog, check the other blogs I read, check in again with my manager, watch the Daily Show, Arrested Development, even some classic movies. Yeah, movies. I've watched "M" and "Nosferatu". Both excellent movies, by the way. The internet is amazing.

I was bored. Sure, there would be exciting times. I learned how to edit web pages, post pictures on a website, even contribute and create some stuff for websites. Good skills to know for future endeavors. I was actually waiting for them to fire me. I knew it would be this week too. I've got a sixth sense for knowing when I'm getting fired and knowing when girlfriends are going to break up with me (that's another post). I just know when these things are going to happen.

Now I'm even more bored at home. And tired. When I mustered the strength to leave my house today at the crack of 2.30pm, I worked out at the gym and almost collapsed from exhaustion in the chips and cracker aisle at Kroger. I need a hobby. Or a job.

So, my goals in my new unemployed state are to get a job (duh), get a hobby, get up earlier than I am now, and figure out what's going on in my life. I get depressed, but I'm also insulted that I got canned. I showed up to work even though I had nothing to do. When I had stuff to do, I did it well and on time. I even learned some stuff. I have a master's degree, man. I don't deserve this. I do have some stuff in the works for graduate school (yippee!), but I may not hear from them for a long time. In the meantime, I need to see what God has in store for me and not freak out. If anyone has any job leads, let me know. I'm taking all suggestions. Except substitute teaching. Been there, done that.


Fitz said...

Josh, sorry to hear about the gig. Don't be too discouraged. You bring a lot to the table; it's just a matter of making sure others know it...wow, that sounds a lot like bragging. So be it. Praying for you, bro...

Josh Cashion said...

thanks, mike. i appreciate the kind words.