03 December 2007

Any Questions?

I'm going to Gethsemani Monastery this weekend. I'm going to read a lot, walk a lot, and spend some time away from the big city of Lexington. I may also have an opportunity to ask a monk or two some questions. If either of my readers has any questions to ask a monk, just let me know and I'll think about breaking my silence to ask them. And I know you have some questions. We all have questions to ask a monk. Some of you probably have a list entitled "Questions To Ask a Monk If the Opportunity Arises That I Actually Meet A Monk."

Also, if anyone has a hankerin' for some cheese, bourbon fudge or bourbon fruitcake from the Abbey, just let me know. I'll be pickin' up some fruitcake for myself. It's the only fruitcake I will eat. Seriously.

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