25 November 2008

Really? Seriously?

Really not much to say here. Except that, I never, ever would have thought any man with a hint of testosterone would ever, ever want to wear this. I just don't get it. Have a great, masculine Thanksgiving. Watch some football, eat some turkey, take a nap.

16 November 2008

I'm Going On "Vacation"

I'll be taking more time off from the internet than usual this week as I will be in Galveston, Texas attempting to clean up after the hurricane that swept thru in September. I'm leaving today and I'll be back on Saturday. If you think of it, pray for our team and the people we'll be ministering to down there. If I can get my camera to work, I'll bring back pictures.

10 November 2008

This Just In: I'm Not Ugly

The following is a part of a conversation between myself and a youth at my church this past Sunday:

Youth: "Hey, y'know what? You're a Wilco (popular alt-country band) guy, right? Well, you know Jeff Tweedy, the singer? You look just like him, except you're not as ugly as he is; cuz he's real ugly."

Me: "Yes he is. He's quite ugly. He wears cool shirts, though."

05 November 2008

Change For Change's Sake

This guy better be good. We've elected a man with hardly any experience, no background, and a Senate voting record that does not reach "across the aisle". In the presidential race and the senate race here in Kentucky, the theme I heard over and over again was,"We need change".

What does that mean?

I didn't hear anything negative about John McCain except that he's associated with George Bush. That's it. One commentator said that there was no way he could've won last night, simply because he's a Republican. If that's true, we are a truly narrow-minded, stupid nation. Jesus and John the Baptist would've lost too (if they were Republicans). Have we come down to labels and associations? Have we gotten away from the issues completely? Do we throw 'em all out because of a few bad ones? This isn't a football team in need of a new coach! This is our freaking President! He will be making decisions that effect us all (and the world).

This is a horrible way to elect a President.

I think this election will go down in history not just because Obama is our first black president, but because this was truly a popularity contest. Student Council elections aren't that much different. Who's cooler? We don't like the current student council pres, and he's friends with this other guy, so we'll vote for the cool guy.

Regardless, I will do my best to put this stupid election behind me and hope for the best. I really do hope that Obama sees that he only won 52-46 percent. I hope he doesn't forget the South and Midwest states he completely ignored. I hope he considers the 55 million that did not vote for him. I hope he lives up to all the hype and becomes a good President.

Actually, I hope he does better than our current president.

Here's another perspective of the election. He puts it much better...

04 November 2008

In My Dreams, I Vote For Cars and Eat Tapioca Pudding Too

Maybe I should start a separate dream blog...

So this morning I had a dream that I was at my local voting place, but I was waiting in line, eating tapioca pudding. I was eating tapioca pudding because they gave you tapioca pudding when you voted. And you didn't vote for people, you voted for the car you wanted. One of my seminary friends showed me the truck she was voting for. And, to top it off, one of my favorite bands, Over the Rhine, was voting and they were going to give me their tapioca pudding. So, I was done voting, but waiting for my band to give me their pudding. Has to be one of the best dreams ever.

Well, I'm off to vote for my favorite car and eat tapioca pudding. Actually, I do vote at a retirement home. There is a very high probability that they'll have the tapioca.

02 November 2008

In My Dreams, I'm A Terrorist...

Last night (or this morning) I dreamt that I was a terrorist. No kidding. In this dream, I was solely responsible for leveling, destroying, obliterating two cities. Two. Millions of people were dead. Millions. And I did it. Yeah, me. And I wasn't this extremist, ultra right-wing nut job clinging to my guns and my bible, either. I was just me. And only two people knew about it. One was my friend, Fletch. Yeah, his name is Fletch. He wouldn't talk to me because he was upset that I killed millions of people. He didn't turn me in, but he gave me the cold shoulder. I was upset that I killed all those innocent people, but I was even more upset that Fletch wouldn't talk to me. The other guy was someone I didn't recognize, but he didn't seem to care that I destroyed these places. He kinda thought it was cool. He even offered me a job to help rebuild the towns.

The ironic thing about it was that I was part of a group that went in to one of the cities to clean up debris. And no one was the wiser...

I'm not proud of it. Actually, its pretty disturbing. But sometimes, whether I like it or not, I dream that I'm a terrorist.