31 March 2008

Natural Bridge Video

Here's a video of Eric Marshall (senior at Dunbar) surfing the stairs down Devil's Gulch at Natural Bridge State Park in Slade, Kentucky.

Natural Bridge Pics 3.31.08

30 March 2008

Taking One For the Team

There are moments in your life when you know that something bad is coming your way and you know that there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. An oncoming meteor, another season of American Idol, and Presidential elections are examples of such an event. Men all face a common fear/dread in their lives and they know its going to happen at some time in their duration on this planet: they're going to get hit in the crotch with something. Most often this something is a ball of some sort; on America's Funniest Videos it's usually a baseball bat or some kid just punching their dad. We all know it's going to happen, we all try to prepare for it, but sometimes you just gotta take it like a man.

I took it like a man this Saturday morning in Lexington, Kentucky. What I remember is this: I was at a lock in for the youth and we were playing indoor soccer against some super-scary good soccer players from a Hispanic church. I was on defense and was doing pretty well against them too. Then I saw it. One of the kids on the other team lined up a shot about 20 feet away from me. As soon as I saw him stop and plant his left foot next to the ball, I knew exactly where that ball was going: my crotch.

I don't how I knew this, but I just did. Maybe it's my age and experience, or just good instinct, but I knew. The ball left his foot and made a beeline for the area on my body just about 3 feet off the floor, almost like it was a self-guided heat-seeking missile programmed to hit the nearest guy in the crotch.

It happened so fast that I didn't have time to react. I just stood there and took it. It hurt, but without that all-body-encompassing pain that usually accompanies such an injury (guys know what I'm talkin' about). But as I went down, I kept thinking about how funny it was that I knew it would happen. So funny, in fact, that I started laughing. So I lay there on the gym floor, surrounded by high school kids, in pain, in the fetal position, laughing. I even laughed on my way to the bleachers.

15 March 2008

Theme Song For "Lost"

Just in case you were wondering what the show "Lost" would use for a theme song had it been made in the 80's or 90's, here you go. Enjoy.

03 March 2008

I Just Can't Do It, Man

I consider myself kind of hip. Kinda cool. Savvy, even. Especially when it comes to music. Since I was in high school, I've tried to find the best Christian music out there. I've made some mistakes along the way, but all in all, I've been able to weed out the crap and keep myself open to the good stuff.

Maybe I should define the term "good". To me, good Christian music starts with the music, not the lyrics. It should be original; and if not original, at least well done. Most Christian music out there is not original or well done.

For example, I was working out at the gym a few years ago, when I noticed a music video on the screen above me. The music sounded like your typical rock anthem of the late 90's/early 00's, and the lyrics were about losing someone and hoping that they would return. The band looked like your typical modern band: stylish hair, facial hair/gotees, with muscular guys in tight-fitting t-shirts and jeans ensembles. I remember thinking to myself, "Wow. These guys are really passionate about this boring song that sounds like all the other songs by bands that look like they do. I wonder who it is?" When the song ended, the name flashed on the screen, and it was a very popular Christian band that has been to all the festivals and has sold thousands, if not millions of cd's.

Not only has this bland, boring music infected our radio stations, but it has also infected our churches under the guise of "praise and worship" music. This past weekend, I attended a fund raiser at Asbury College that featured four of these "P/W" bands. I went to support the cause and those that I knew that helped put on the event. I was able to make it through 4 songs. I'm not kidding. The band was talented, dedicated, and passionate, but I just couldn't take it, man. I can't stand boring music with lyrics about how great Jesus is. When we speak Jesus' name or sing it, it should not be boring or heard on an elevator.

Today's praise and worship music is boring and repetitive, and puts the focus on the musicians, not God. When your Sunday morning worship includes a solo by the guitar player, it might be time to pull the plug on your worship team. Worship should be simple, graceful and focused on the one who gave us those talents. Too many people have been able to make a career out of this music and put the focus on themselves. There are exeptions, but most in the mainstream of Christian music need to stop or be stopped.