05 November 2007

New Car Post

I have recently purchased a "new" 2005 Corolla. This replaces my "old" 1992 Corolla which can now be viewed at a gas station at the Waddy/Peytona exit on I-64 just west of Frankfort, Kentucky. Here are a few things I like about the '05:

1. It starts.
2. It doesn't smell (yet).
3. No cracks in windshield.
4. All four doors open from the outside (as opposed to just one).
4a. I can open the driver's side door to get in the car (as opposed to the passenger door).
5. All four speakers work (very well).
6. The AC button isn't just for looks.
7. All four tires match (so far).
8. The door to the gas cap is still in tact (in other words, I haven't punched it/broken it to get it open).
9. Shocks.
10. I don't have to wait for rain, puddles or rubbing snow on the windows to get them clean. Apparently, they've invented a device that holds fluid inside the car that washes the window for you.
11. Lining that actually stays on the ceiling. There's also a large portion of lining missing due to the presence of a moonroof.
12. No Christian identification affixed to the rear of the car, thus enabling me to drive as crazy as I want.
13. I can name that mileage using 5 digits (as opposed to 6).
As soon as I am able, I will post another list about the top things I will miss about my 1992 Corolla (R.I.P.). If anyone has any idea of what I will miss, let me know.

1 comment:

gmw said...

congrats on the new car; sympathies (?) for the old one.

also, nice quotes from you in the UM Reporter article on Gethsemani. Hope all is good.