12 May 2007

Alpha Male

So, I've volunteered to be a small group leader at my church for our new Alpha program. Pretty much we just watch a video of some English guy talk about God and then we split up into small groups to talk more about it. I go to my assigned location in the Alpha kitchen to await my group's arrival. One woman sits at the Alpha table. Then another, and another, and...another. At last count there were six (6) women (middle aged or greater) at my Alpha table awaiting my Alpha guidance. Now I'm not sexist or anything; I really appreciate a woman's Alpha input, but I needed/wanted at least one other Alpha male in my Alpha group. I was completely overwhelmed. I felt like I was hosting a taping of The View - Alpha style.

I've been told that men have a very limited vocabulary and women have an extremely open one. These Alpha women used all of my words for the next two days. I couldn't talk at all for 48 hours. I had heard too many Alpha words. Too much Alpha information. Don't get me wrong, it was a good group; but I didn't have to say much at all. They said I did a great job; I didn't say anything! Needless to say I was Alpha tired. All I wanted to do was go home and watch Lost. Which I did.


Fitz said...

That was a great Alpha post. Maybe you should have some Beta blockers to get your energy back.

Josh Cashion said...

i heard that they block gamma rays too. and delta force.

Heather said...

Hi Josh,

It's great to read your blog. I have one too, but it is by invitation. If you have an email let me know and I will send you an invitation. Do you still use your seminary one? Hope all is well!