28 April 2006

Revelation on Speaker Phone

Here's a short story: So, the other night I'm teaching Revelation to the high school kids, and we get a phone call during study. This girl asks to be put on speaker phone so she can listen to the group. She asked questions too. I've never done a bible study over speaker phone before. It was pretty cool. And by the way, Bob Mulholland's Revelation study in the Journey Through the Bible series is excellent. Even high school kids like it. It's kid approved!!!


Cory said...

Revelation on Speaker phone...that could be very scary. What if the person on the other line all of a sudden was gone and you all thought she had been "raptured" and you had been left behind? Do you have the tape? Would you know what to do?!!! JOSH THINK OF THE CONSEQUENCES!!! oh...wait...i'm sorry I got my facts and my fictions all mixin.
Glad you have a sight...looks fun...post something mr kettle said the pot

DGH said...

Dude I have taught Mullholland's Revelation class to High School and older adults alike...straigt from my call notes for years now. I have taught it 5 times total...and I love it!

oh and Cory...sorry but your Revelation-ology is not Mulholland appoved, heh heh.... Take care and Speaker phone is col, I have a guy right now in London that is a part of our Organic Gathering and I wish he could have done that last night! heh heh... I have seen tiffany type a meeitng out as it was happening over IM one time to her pastor...kind of cool...take care man!

Cory said...

How can Mulholland not approve of a Kirk Cameron starred movie? Geez, theologians and their "Proper Theology"