17 September 2008

The Future Of Youth Ministry

So tonight in my youth ministry class we talked about the four stages of youth ministry dating back to the 1820's. Pretty much, we're in the "Emerging" stage that started around 1990, after the collapse of communism and modernism. Where youth ministry (and church ministry) used to be from the top - down, more and more youth groups are going from a bottom - up model. What's that? Good question.

It's pretty much where the youth pastor stops becoming the expert, the do-it-all, know-it-all minister. Most churches are still in this mode, and expect us to have all the answers. He or she instead trains people in the church to be leaders of youth. So, instead of the youth pastor leading a group of 30 kids and 5 adult leaders, they train the 5 adults and some student leaders to lead it, and do some of the work more effectively. It also becomes a ministry to the adult leaders. I really do believe (and know) that working with youth can be a ministry to the adults.

Another move is to the inner city. Back in the 70's and 80's, most youth ministry was done in the suburbs and small towns, but a majority of the kids were in the cities. Now, more and more adults are going back into the city to minister to those kids. Now its the suburban kids who will be left without leaders. It's funny, because that's exactly what happened here in Lexington with Youth for Christ. While the Urban ministry is thriving, the suburban ministry doesn't even exist anymore. I guess some of these trends are really happening after all.

It's pretty different from where I was 20 years ago as a kid, but I can see the logic behind it. Kids are very different. They want different things than we did just a few decades ago. Anyone who works with youth has their work cut out for them. It's not good enough just to give kids activities; they actually want to be challenged.

As far as my role in all this, I just don't know. I'm trying to learn to be happy where I am at the church I'm in with the youth in front of me. Hopefully, they won't abuse my car like kids in the past have done. I really like this car...

01 September 2008

Corrections and Adjustments...

OK...I've made some adjustments to my fantasy football team since my last post. Most notably, my team name has been changed from "Sweet Merciful Crap" to "That's What She Said". Actually, the only changes were dropping Amani Toomer and adding Jeremy Shockey. The biggest change though, was the name. That's What She Said. And if you don't know where that comes from, well...I hate to say it, but you need to watch The Office. I don't like to recommend TV to people (many object to the device), but it is a great show. And this is a great team. Let's hope that I finish better than 9th this year (which is where I have finished the last two years).