30 July 2008

Wisdom From Mr. Chambers...

From the July 29 entry in My Utmost For His Highest:

"It is not true to say that God wants to teach us something in our trials: through every cloud he brings, He wants us to unlearn something."

25 July 2008

Reunion Observations...

Just went to my 20th reunion this past weekend. Had a great time reconnecting with my friends. I even met some people in my class for the first time. Weird. Anyway, here's some observations I made:

I really didn't know that many people I went to school with. I realized this when my good friends showed up. I had much more to talk about with them and really struggled to talk to other people that I knew. They would be called "acquaintances". I had memories, stories and common experiences to share with my good friends.

Some people in my class actually looked better than they did in high school. This goes against the prevailing wisdom that good looks go down the tubes after college. Yes, some of the guys did get heavier (and so did some women), but many of us lost weight (gained weight in my case) and look better for it. Now, some of these good looks may be attributed to various surgeries, but I didn't have time to ask everyone if they'd had such procedures done.

The 1980's was the best decade to attend high school. We had much better music, better movies, no cell phones, no internet and we still survived. No other decade can claim this, except maybe the 1950's. Also, 1988 was the best year in the 80's to graduate from high school. Consequently, the early 1990's were the best years to attend college. 'Nuff said.

Apparently, some women I went to school with developed the Wisconsin/Michigan/Dakota accent and I wasn't aware of it. The most shocking development for me was the obvious accent attributed to the northern plains region of our country. I had no idea how prevalent this was in Northeast Ohio. Maybe they're all from North Dakota and the accent was hidden from me all these years, dontcha know. Youbetcha.

My friends are really fun people. We weren't the popular kids in school, but I knew even back then that they were good people. They still are. We stayed up late, had fun and swapped some stories. We didn't even talk about the past that much.

Hopefully, I'll be less of a dufus and communicate better with my friends after reunion. And maybe I won't have to wait for the 25th to see them again.